Patient and family experience

Receiving feedback from patients and families about their experiences is important for demonstrating and improving the quality of hospice services.
On this page, find useful resources for hospice care providers to help improve how they gather patient, family and carer feedback.
The Care Quality Commission expects registered providers to show how they actively seek the views of users of hospice services, for example through surveys, discussions, encouraging suggestions, and meetings. These should inform and further develop the quality of care and treatment delivered.
Real time reporting project – Lincolnshire community
The Listening differently to users report describes a project which collected feedback from patients, their families and carers about their experience of the care. They received this care in a variety of settings – at hospital, in their own home, care homes and hospices.
Importantly, the feedback was collected in real time. This allowed the care teams to act immediately or to make long-term plans.
This approach offers some valuable insights into the opportunities and challenges that exist prior to a wider roll-out of such a system in the future. The report also identifies challenges to be addressed before any such wider roll-out. Crucially, it confirmed that people close to the end of their lives are willing and keen to discuss their experience of care.
This report was published by Hospice UK, Marie Curie and NHS Improving Quality.
Hospices in Wales have used iwantgreatcare for gathering feedback about the quality of their care for a number of years.
Eight more hospices in the South West of England collaborated to work with iwantgreatcare, developing a hospice users survey. This is available as a card and is accessible online, and includes the friends and family (recommend) test.
The service users’ feedback is available publicly on the iwantgreatcare website.
Do you have patient feedback examples?
We are in the process of reviewing this page's content. If you have any examples you would like to share about gathering patient feedback, we would like to hear from you. Please get in touch via email.
Hospice patient survey
Hospice UK has been listening to the views of hospice patients for many years in order to help improve the care they receive.
Between 2004 and 2013, we worked with the Centre for Health Services Studies at the University of Kent to carry out a hospice patient survey. The survey consisted of two anonymous questionnaires: one for inpatient and one for day care services.
The target audience was people with palliative care needs who were discharged from either service, and those who used the day care facilities for a period of more than two months. The surveys were conducted over a six to seven month period. Download the hospice patient surveys below.
20 hospices participated between November 2012 and May 2013
39 hospices participated between September 2010 and May 2011.
52 hospices participated between July 2008 and February 2009.
53 hospices participated between July 2006 and February 2007.
53 hospices participated between September 2004 and March 2005.