Environmental Sustainability for Hospices
Find out how your hospice can play a part in promoting environmental sustainability through Hospice UK’s networks and resources.

Moving towards environmental sustainability can be challenging. But our partners, funders, staff, volunteers, supporters and importantly, our patients, want hospices to play their part.
Working together
We’re encouraging collaboration across our sector, helping hospices to connect with each other and share best practice, experiences and knowledge in this field.
By working together we will make more impact, more quickly, on our journeys to environmental sustainability.
What else is happening across our sector?
Resources and information related to environmental sustainability across healthcare in the UK. We regularly add more resources to this list.
The Palliative Care Sustainability Network is coordinated by the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare: connecting, developing and inspiring sustainable practice in palliative care, across professions and the NHS/hospice worlds.
This webinar, 'Reducing the carbon footprint of end of life care', was delivered by the UK Health Alliance on Climate Change. The presenters' slides can be viewed below:
Presentation 1: Richard Smith, Chair of UK Health Alliance on Climate Change: Death and the planetary crisis
Presentation 2: Max Watson, Director of Project ECHO at Hospice UK: Reducing the carbon footprint of end of life care
Presentation 3: Jane Blazeby, Professor of Surgery, University of Bristol: A good surgical death
The Greener NHS programme will work with NHS staff, hospitals and partners. They will build on the great work being done by trusts across the country, sharing ideas on how to reduce the impact on public health and the environment, save money and reach net carbon zero.
Find out more about NHS England’s Greener NHS programme
NHS Scotland’s climate emergency and sustainability strategy sets out plans for NHS Scotland to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and impact on the environment, adapt to climate change and to better contribute to the United Nation sustainable development goals.
It has been developed by the Scottish Government and NHS Scotland Assure.
NHS Wales' Decarbonisation Strategic Delivery Plan provides a focus for NHS Wales and Welsh Government officials to deliver actions that NHS Wales can take to reduce emissions.
There are nearly 50 clear, ambitious and achievable initiatives in the Strategic Delivery Plan focusing across a range of emission sources not solely on the NHS estate. This is aligned with the next Low Carbon Delivery Plan (LCDP2).
The initiatives in the Delivery Plan, in reducing emissions, and the actions taken as a result will significantly improve wider health and well-being across the Welsh population.
Read NHS Wales' Decarbonisation Strategic Delivery Plan
Chartered Institute of Fundraising’s toolkit helps fundraisers drive environmental change at their charities.