
Pressures on fundraising teams during the pandemic were unique and challenging. The aim of the network was to facilitate peer support, sharing best practices, and a forum for idea generation.

Here you will find a list of resources that you might find useful.

A stock photo showing a folder highlighting Grants applications on a keyboard

Grants & Funding

National Emergencies Trust

Charities can apply for grant aid through their local community foundation.

£20m Scottish Third Sector Resilience Fund


250+ Sources of Charity Emergency Funding

Ian McLintok, founder of Charity Excellence Framework, has put together a regularly updated list to emergency funding for charities. These are broken down into UK wide, UK country, regional, global, Government financial support, specialist funding and platforms.

The Jules Thorn Charitable Trust – Hospice Programme 

Find out more about our grants

Other Resources


Event Resources

Think Consulting Solutions: Guidance for Events Fundraisers

Blog: How to turn Events into virtual events

Race at Your Pace

Virtual Racing UK

Fundraising Regulator: Code of Practice - Events

Blog: What creates virtual event success 2020


Bluefrog Fundraising Free Hospice template for Coronavirus Appeal

Blog: 5 Tips for Writing an Appeal during a Global Crisis

Blog: Do we Launch An Emergency Appeal

Podcast: Why do people give? The coronavirus special with Giles Pegram

Community Fundraising

Think Consulting Solutions: Guidance for Community Fundraisers

Blog: Community Fundraising During COVID-19

Blog: Coronavirus Pandemic: In Times of Crisis, Community Partnerships are ever-more crucial


Think Consulting Solutions: Guidance for Corporate fundraisers

Resource Alliance Seminar: How to shift your Corporate Partnerships approach in response to the coronavirus

Remarkable Partnerships – partnership response to coronavirus

Five essential tools for corporate partnerships success during coronavirus

Supporter Engagement

Hubbub Fundraising Guide to keeping supporters engaged

IoF Seminar : Five ways you can think about the supporter experience right now

IoF Seminar: Why, right now, the supporter experience matters more than ever

Major Giving

Blog: Private Assets for Public Good: The Time is Now

Think Consulting Solutions: Guidance for Philanthropy


Blog: 5 Ways the Coronavirus is Changing the Legacy Market

Legacy Foresight – Potential impacts of COVID-19 on the legacy market 2020 - 2024

Digital Fundraising

Digital mobilisation during the Covid Outbreak – Messaging and Tactics

Free Google Digital Course: Fundamentals of digital marketing

Charity Digital – The best online fundraising platforms for charities


Business Rates Holiday for Retail Businesses

retailTRUST wellbeing resources

Event Resources

Think Consulting Solutions: Guidance for Events Fundraisers

Blog: How to turn Events into virtual events

Race at Your Pace

Virtual Racing UK

Fundraising Regulator: Code of Practice - Events

Blog: What creates virtual event success 2020


Bluefrog Fundraising Free Hospice template for Coronavirus Appeal

Blog: 5 Tips for Writing an Appeal during a Global Crisis

Blog: Do we Launch An Emergency Appeal

Podcast: Why do people give? The coronavirus special with Giles Pegram

Community Fundraising

Think Consulting Solutions: Guidance for Community Fundraisers

Blog: Community Fundraising During COVID-19

Blog: Coronavirus Pandemic: In Times of Crisis, Community Partnerships are ever-more crucial


Think Consulting Solutions: Guidance for Corporate fundraisers

Resource Alliance Seminar: How to shift your Corporate Partnerships approach in response to the coronavirus

Remarkable Partnerships – partnership response to coronavirus

Five essential tools for corporate partnerships success during coronavirus

Supporter Engagement

Hubbub Fundraising Guide to keeping supporters engaged

IoF Seminar : Five ways you can think about the supporter experience right now

IoF Seminar: Why, right now, the supporter experience matters more than ever

Major Giving

Blog: Private Assets for Public Good: The Time is Now

Think Consulting Solutions: Guidance for Philanthropy


Blog: 5 Ways the Coronavirus is Changing the Legacy Market

Legacy Foresight – Potential impacts of COVID-19 on the legacy market 2020 - 2024

Digital Fundraising

Digital mobilisation during the Covid Outbreak – Messaging and Tactics

Free Google Digital Course: Fundamentals of digital marketing

Charity Digital – The best online fundraising platforms for charities


Business Rates Holiday for Retail Businesses

retailTRUST wellbeing resources