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When is this?
20 September 2024 - 29 September 2024
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Where is this?
Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
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Who is this for?
Who is this for

About this challenge


Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain on the African continent at 5895m. Its snow-capped summit rises high above the dusty African plains; huge permanent glaciers flow down from the summit, spectacular views and beautiful ice formations are the reward for pushing your limits both physically and mentally.

Our trek takes the Machame route, allowing gradual acclimatisation to the altitude and an excellent chance of reaching the summit. We pass through thick forest, moorland and scree en route to Uhuru Peak, the highest point. This is a challenging trek at altitude, climbing one of the most impressive mountains in the world.

By taking on this huge challenge for Hospice UK you'll help us ensure everyone affected by death, dying and bereavement gets the care and support they need, when they need it.


When you register for this event, you can choose your fundraising option.

Registration fee Registration fee Cost of Trip Fundraising Target
Fundraising option £499 £0 £5,400
Part funded option £499 £500 £4,400
Self payment option £499 £2,450 Raise as much as you can for Hospice UK

Once you have signed up for this event, we will support you by providing:

  • Fundraising pack full of ideas and advice.

  • Hospice UK t-shirt and fundraising materials.

  • Dedicated point of contact in the Events Team.

Please note that this is an open challenge facilitated by Discover Adventure, so there will be participants supporting other charities on this trip.

What's included

  • All transport from London to Moshi return
  • All meals except where specified, accommodation and camping equipment
  • Discover Adventure leaders; doctor with group of 12 or more participants; local guides, porters and cooks
  • Back-up equipment
  • Entry permit to National Park
  • Regular team e-newsletters, a fundraising pack full of ideas, fundraising materials to help with your activities and ongoing support from our Hospice UK Events Team
  • A Hospice UK top