
Maureen and Dying Matters headed to Westminster


On Wednesday 6 July, Dying Matters campaigner Maureen Anderson joined the Hospice UK team at Westminster to call for change on behalf of people dying at home. 

Since the start of the pandemic, there have been an additional 100,000 deaths at home across the UK. 

Although many people would prefer to die at home, Maureen and the Dying Matters campaign have been shining a light on how little is known about the experiences of people who died at home over the last two years and the experiences of their loved ones.

And this issue doesn't seem to be subsiding. The increase of people dying at home is not a short term trend. 4,000 people continue to die at home every week across the UK, making it essential that the Government takes the necessary steps to ensure people have access to the right care and support at home - now, and in the future.

That’s why Dying Matters has been campaigning for the significant increase in deaths at home to be examined by the UK COVID-19 Public Inquiry.

Dying Matters campaigner, Maureen Anderson at Westminster
Maureen Anderson joins the Dying Matters campaign

Supported by more than 1,000 Dying Matters campaigners, Maureen Anderson, whose parents both died at home within weeks of each other during the pandemic, spoke to MPs and Peers from across the UK and across the political spectrum. They listened to what Maureen had to say - and agreed that we need to do more to support people dying at home.

Sarah West, Hospice UK’s Director of Campaigns, said:

“We want to thank the MPs who joined with us at Parliament to raise awareness for the Dying Matters campaign and support our call to examine increasing deaths at home as part of the UK COVID-19 Public Inquiry.

“The pandemic has seen many more people dying at home, while we know that health and social care staff are doing their best in extremely difficult circumstances, they often find themselves without the capacity or specialist knowledge to look after dying patients and their families.  This needs to change.

“We hope to encourage the government to support our cause and show that everyone deserves to die in a good place, no matter who they are.”

Dying Matters will continue to share stories like Maureen's and call for the rise in deaths at home to be better understood. Follow the campaign. Join Maureen and Dying Matters today.