
Willen Hospice in Milton Keynes has temporarily re-opened one of its charity shops to provide essential items to elderly, vulnerable and NHS customers.

The shop stocks non-perishable store cupboard goods, including canned and dry food, cleaning products, toilet paper, soap, UHT long-life milk, biscuits and drinks. Customer access to the shop is being controlled and numbers limited; hand sanitiser is available for customers’ use, and a protective screen has been installed on the till.

When shopping, customers are asked to observe the 2m rule with regard to social distancing; they’re also requested to provide their own shopping bags and contactless payment is encouraged wherever possible. 

Mark Rawlins, Commercial Director at Willen Hospice said “All the stock we’re selling has been generously donated by businesses in Milton Keynes. I cannot thank Tesco enough for rallying around us to gift these enormous quantities of items for us to resell at the same price as in their stores. With all our shops currently shut and the staff furloughed, we are facing a significant loss in revenue.

“This is a perfect example of business supporting charity in a time of need. They’re helping us to support the vulnerable and give something back to our local community in the knowledge that all funds raised by this activity support the front line care at the Hospice.”

Kirsty Francis, Area Manager for Buckinghamshire, said: “We’ve been delighted to help Willen Hospice with donations from our stores across Milton Keynes. I’m very proud of the store teams who pulled together to make this happen and we all send our best wishes to the team at Willen and their new temporary store.”

For more information visit Willen Hospice