
On this page we’re giving an overview of how the health and care system is structured in each UK nation, and highlighting where hospices and palliative and end of life care providers can gain influence.

This page takes around 5 minutes to read.

NHS in England – Integrated Care Systems


In July 2022, the NHS in England was restructured into 42 Integrated Care Systems (ICS).

These fall within the jurisdiction of the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and are, in part, supported by NHS England (NHSE).

In July 2022, the NHS in England was restructured into 42 Integrated Care Systems (ICS)
The NHS in England

HSC in Northern Ireland – Integrated Care System


Northern Ireland’s NHS is called Health and Social Care (HSC). In April 2022, the national HSC Board was dissolved and system oversight absorbed into the Department of Health.

A national Integrated Care System (ICS) is still planned to bring together the strategic planning of health and social care across the country.

HSC in Northern Ireland – Integrated Care System
HSC in Northern Ireland

NHS in Scotland – NHS Boards


Since 2004, NHSScotland has been structured as 14 regional NHS Boards, which plan, commission and deliver NHS services including hospital, community and primary care. They write strategic plans and report annual performance against a national outcomes framework.

There are also seven national Special NHS Boards with specific additional remits. All the Boards are directly accountable to Scottish Ministers.

NHS in Scotland – NHS Boards
NHS in Scotland

NHS in Wales – Health Boards


In 2009, the Welsh Government restructured local healthcare planning and delivery into seven Local Health Boards (LHB) at regional level.

LHBs are directly responsible to the Welsh Government and the Director General for Health and Social Services is also the chief executive of NHS Wales.

LHBs must produce Integrated Medium Term Plans (IMTP) for health services across acute, community and primary care. Hospice expertise and services should be included in this planning process.

NHS in Wales – Health Boards
NHS in Wales

Supporting & improving quality of health services


Across the UK, the health and care systems have organisations that protect public health, provide health education and monitor quality of service. It is important to know who these are and what their remit is. This will give you an idea about what guides the decision-makers in your system.  

Sometimes these organisations only cover NHS providers, and sometimes the whole health and care system. However the frameworks and programmes that begin in NHS hospitals are often rolled out to other providers, so it is worth being aware of them.