Healthcare Conferences 2022
Discover the latest events for 2022 from Healthcare Conferences UK.

A Practical Guide to Best Practice Symptom Control & Management in End of Life Care
It is widely recognised that pain and symptom control at the end of life is not always optimal, this conference focuses on symptom control and management in end of life care – supporting you to deliver best practice in managing both common and difficult to control experienced symptoms to maintain the person’s comfort and dignity without causing unacceptable side effects. The conference will focus on both pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods of symptom management and also discuss symptom control for patients at the end of life with Covid-19.
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Reducing & Managing Pressure Ulcers at the End of Life
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This conference focuses on the prevention and management of pressure ulcers at the end of life. Wounds are a common occurrence in patients with terminal illnesses, it has been estimated that approximately one third of palliative care patients will experience a pressure ulcer. Pressure wounds are seen most often in elderly and terminally ill patients as a result skin failure — a naturally occurring process commonly associated with terminal illness wherein the skin begins to break down and die. At the end of life multiple risk factors can lead to pressure ulcers. The prevention and management of pressure ulcers at the end of life must also be balanced alongside the patients preferences presenting ethical dilemmas such as when prevention and active management should stop in the last days of life. Alongside National Update sessions focusing on Learning from the National Pressure Ulcer Prevalence and Quality of Care Audit and reflecting on the challenges of Covid-19, this national conference focuses on the reduction and management of pressure ulcers at the end of life, from risk assessment to controlling pain and discomfort in the last days of life.
Improving End of Life Care for People with Dementia
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This timely conference focuses on the important issue of improving end of life care for people with dementia. People with advanced dementia have been disproportionately impacted by Covid-19, it is imperative that we ensure people are supported and cared for effectively at the end of life during this challenging time. The conference will demonstrate, through national updates and practical case studies how you can improve end of life care for people with dementia in your service.
Improving End of Life Care: Improving care and support during Covid-19 & Meeting the End of Life Care Quality Standard Update (Sept 2021)
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The end of life care update quality standard (QS13) was published by NICE in September 2021. This conference will focus on implementing the updated Quality Standard in practice and delivering high quality end of life care during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Decisions about Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR): Ensuring Effective & Person Centred Practice
FRIDAY 13 MAY 2022
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This virtual conference focuses on the important issue of effective person centred practice in CPR decisions and communication.
Caldicott Principles & Information Sharing in End of Life Care
On-Demand virtual training
Find out more about On-Demand training
Healthcare Conferences UK in association with Christopher Fincken Independent Member UK Caldicott Guardian Council, (Former Chairman) are pleased to announce this on-demand conference which will focus on Information Sharing and Caldicott Principles in End of Life care. Following the success of our previous Caldicott Guardian National Conferences, and feedback from our regular Caldicott Training Masterclasses, this conference will focus on developing your role in improving communication and information sharing at the end of life whilst ensuring patient confidentiality.
Improving Adult Bereavement Care, Support & Services
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This conference focuses on the important issue of improving care, support and services for adult bereavement. The covid-19 pandemic has led to increased need for effective support with the tragic loss of life, often under very difficult circumstances, challenging bereavement services to work differently.
Improving End of Life Care for people with Cardiovascular Disease & Heart Failure
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Through national updates and practical case studies this conference focuses on improving end of life care for people with Cardiovascular Disease and Heart Failure through a person centred approach. Patients with cardiovascular conditions, including Heart Failure have been disproportionately impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. The conference will reflect on how we can improve care for people at the end of life, embed high quality supportive care pathways, improve communication about end of life care & advance care planning, and understand progression of Heart Failure: predicting and recognising last days of life and managing uncertainty. The conference will also discuss best practice in symptom control.
Delirium Prevention, Assessment and Effective Management
Virtual, Online
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This conference focuses on the prevention, assessment and management of people with delirium. Through national updates and practical case studies the conference will equip you to spread the message that delirium is preventable, and develop your skills in the recognition, assessment and management of delirium. The conference will include case study sessions focusing delirium as a symptom of coronavirus and how this should be managed, delirium and dementia, delirium following surgery, delirium in the ICU and delirium at the end of life.
Effective Nurse Prescribing in End of Life Care
Virtual, Online
Follow the conference on Twitter #NMPEndofLife
Chaired by Carolyn Doyle, Professional Lead Community & End of Life Care Nursing, Royal College of Nursing, this important national conference provides an essential update for current and aspiring nurse prescribers on prescribing at the end of life. It is widely recognized that pain and symptom control at the end of life is not always optimal, the development of non medical prescribing has a key role in improving pain and symptom control for patients at the end of life. The conference, which includes national updates, extended in depth sessions and case studies will focus on developing your skills and competence as a nurse prescriber in end of life care.
Conference discounts
We can offer you a 20% discount with code hcuk20kt. For more information and to book please visit the website https://www.healthcareconferencesuk.co.uk/or email kerry@hc-uk.org.uk