This report brings together the accounts of charitable hospices in the UK for the financial year 2018-19. It can be used to both inform debate and to help local hospice staff and Trustee Boards to benchmark their own figures against similar organisations.


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About this document


The report demonstrates the size and operation of hospice care in the UK; identifies and highlights changes over time in the overall operation of these hospices; identifies differences between the various sizes of hospice; and provides hospices with critical figures and benchmarks against which to compare their own accounts.

haysmacintyre is pleased to partner with Hospice UK for the sixth year in producing the Hospice Accounts Report. This year’s report brings together information from the statutory accounts of 192 independent charitable hospices in the UK, plus two national charities, Marie Curie and Sue Ryder. It shows a sector with total annual income of £1.5 billion per year.

This report combines information from the 2019 published statutory accounts. As with previous years, we continue to see reliance on local community fundraising, donations, legacies, corporate supporters and trading for 73% of their income. Government funding has risen again in real terms, but lags against the rise in expenditure and we still see disparities in funding between different areas and organisations. 

Unsurprisingly expenditure has continued to rise, and with the increasing challenges for hospices to generate voluntary income combined with the moderate increase in government funding, hospices have seen a reduction in reserves overall with 43% of hospices suffering a deficit in 2019. With the impact of COVID-19 yet to be fully shown in the statutory accounts, we are expecting to see more hospices with reduced or negative reserves in the near future.



This report was prepared in 2020 by Hospice UK, supported by haysmacintyre.