Getting residential care

Sometimes residential, nursing or hospice care becomes an option you need to consider if the person you care for is no longer able to look after themselves and you are unable to provide the care they need. This may be a difficult decision to make, but remember it is in the best interests of the person who is unwell.
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Deciding to get residential care
Sometimes residential, nursing or hospice care becomes an option you need to consider if the person you care for is no longer able to look after themselves and you are unable to provide the care they need.
This may be a difficult decision to make, but it is important to remember that you can only do so much. It can be both physically and mentally exhausting, and there are often limits to the level of care that can be provided at home. It is better to arrange the best care possible than struggle on until you reach crisis point.
Types of care
There are different types of residential care available, including:
- Care homes provide personal care, help with medication and social activities
- Nursing homes provide personal care as well as professional nursing care
- Care homes with dementia are for people with dementia to live safely and comfortably
- Dual-registered homes are for residents who need personal but may need nursing care later
There is more information about types of residential care on the Age UK website.
When is hospice care appropriate
If the person you care for is nearing the end of their life, hospice care may be the most appropriate support for them. Hospices can provide pain control and symptom relief, as well as counselling and spiritual.
The healthcare professionals in charge of the person’s care must still take into account your views and feelings when decisions are made. It’s a good idea for you to talk to staff about you will be involved, and what you can expect from them, as early as possible.
If you want to find out about what care is available you can:
- Find out what services your local hospice offers by visiting the hospice finder
- Search for a care home on the Age UK website

Hospice care finder
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