Call for reviewers and mentors

Hospice UK’s national conference is the flagship event for the end of life care sector. Offering inspiration, creativity and lively debate, the programme offers revitalising opportunities to connect and share.
We invite you to help shape the content of our conference by applying to join the review panel in assessing abstracts submitted via our call for papers. We also have exciting mentoring opportunities to support those who are less familiar with writing abstracts.
What's on this page
How to join our panel of reviewers
Would you like to join our panel in reviewing abstracts submitted in response to our call for papers? We are seeking expressions of interest from those who can offer their experience, expertise and time as we decide which abstracts should be selected for an oral presentation or display poster. If you have not been part of such a process before but are interested to do so please do contact Melanie Hodson, Head of Information and Support: m.hodson@hospiceuk.org. We may be able to team you up with a more experienced review partner.
Hospice UK’s national conference showcases a stimulating array of ideas and approaches. The call for papers is critical in shaping the content for oral or poster presentation as we seek abstracts to encourage debate and discussion.
We are delighted to receive abstracts from current and future leaders, thinkers and ‘doers’ and from those new to presenting their work, along with those who are more experienced. Abstracts selected for presentation are also published in a supplement of BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care – an official journal of Hospice UK.
In recognition of the support, the names of those taking part in the review panel will be listed in the conference programme.
What's involved
Reviewers are allocated a partner and each pair will receive c. 20 abstracts for anonymised peer review. An abstract scoring sheet is provided, along with guidance. This activity takes place between May and June. One reviewer from each pair will be asked to provide feedback to a selection panel in July.
How to apply to be a reviewer
Please complete this short form which will be reviewed by Melanie Hodson, Head of Information Support, and will include a request for the following information:
- [Supporting statement: max. 250 words] Please explain why you are interested in being a reviewer and why you are qualified for the role.
- Confirmation that you are able to commit the necessary time to ensure all duties are performed within the timeline.
- Advise if you are happy to be paired with someone less experienced in the review process.
The closing date for applications is 20 March 2023. You’ll hear back from us on or soon after 24 March.
Any queries about this form please email conference@hospiceuk.org
Getting involved as a mentor
We are delighted that Hospice UK’s national conference attracts submissions from authors who are experienced in writing abstracts, through to those who are newer to the process. To help those who are less experienced in writing for publication, we are seeking volunteer mentors who could share their knowledge and experience in writing abstracts and help mentees increase the chance of their work being accepted for presentation.
The mentor programme is entirely independent of the formal abstract review and selection process. The mentor process is anonymised. Evaluation of this scheme for 2022 showed that all of the authors who took part benefitted from the mentorship.
What's involved
Mentors are asked to consider a maximum of four abstracts, offering one-time feedback on the writing and format of an abstract. You may be asked questions about the formal requirements of abstract writing or on points relating to clarity of writing, data presentation etc. You will not be required to advise on research methods or analysis, nor correct grammar or spelling.
The call for papers open in March and closes on 15 May 2023. The busiest period for calls on your time is likely to be in the two weeks approaching the closing date of the call for papers, that is 1 to 14 May 2023.
How to apply to be a mentor
To participate in this programme, mentors are required to have presented at least three abstracts (either oral or poster) at national or international conferences, and have co/authored at least one paper accepted by a peer-reviewed journal within the last five years.
To apply, please submit a short personal statement (max. 200 words), in support of your application to Melanie Hodson, Head of Information Support, at: m.hodson@hospiceuk.org. Please be sure to include details of your publications and presentations.
The closing date for applications is 20 March 2023. You will hear back from us on or soon after 28 March.
Join our online session
Meet the call for papers team and ask your questions about the mentor and reviewer roles at our online session on 1st March (13:00-14:00) . Contact Melanie (m.hodson@hospiceuk.org) for joining instructions.
We look forward to shaping our conference with you.