Join an ECHO network
Find a list of the ECHO Networks we host, and how to join them.

We host ECHO Networks in a range of subject areas, with a diverse cohort of individuals from across the health, social care and third sector.
If you are already a member of any Hospice UK ECHO Networks, you can access your Network’s resource library. Libraries contain the curriculum, session recordings and associated resources for your registered networks.
Join an ECHO network

Clinical ECHO
This network cascades and discusses information on the clinical management of COVID-19 within the hospice sector.
All health and social care practitioners are welcome.
Register for this network or view the resources below.

Outcome Measures in Practice ECHO
This network provides a platform for those developing, implementing and utilising outcome measures in clinical practice to share and learn about best practice.
All health and social care practitioners are welcome.
Register for this network or login below (existing members).

Outcomes, Data and Dashboards ECHO
This network aims to promote the implementation and use of person-centred outcome measures in palliative and end of life care to improve care.
Analysts, quality / data leads and others working in specialist palliative and end of life care with responsibility for extracting, analysing and reporting outcomes are welcome.
Register for this network or login below (existing members).

Palliative, End of life care and Dementia ECHO
This ECHO network brings together practitioners keen to build their skills and confidence in caring for those affected by dementia at the end of life.
All health and social care practitioners are welcome.
This network is a joint venture with Dementia UK.
Register for this network or login below (existing members).

Innovation ECHO
The Innovation ECHO explores a more sustainable future for our sector. It looks at ways in which hospices might collaborate, influence, make better use of technology, revise models of funding and transform ways of working.
Register for this network or login below (this network is for Hospice UK members only).

Resilience Based Clinical Supervision ECHO
This closed network supports resilience based clinical supervision (RBCS) champions and facilitators to implement the skills they acquire through the RBCS programme in practice.
Please contact us if you would like to find out more, login below (existing members).

Palliative and End of Life Care in Prisons ECHO
A pilot ECHO Network for Palliative and End of Life Care in Prisons (England and Wales) which seeks brings together professionals from across the criminal justice and health and care sector to:
- learn from and gain access to experts in this field
- develop their knowledge and skills
- compare experiences of end of life care in prisons
- listen to best practice examples from people from different professional backgrounds and apply these to their own practice
- discuss challenges and develop solutions to these challenges, collaboratively, in a safe environment
- build peer support networks across the health and care and criminal justice sector
- develop or influence guidance on bereavement support or end of life care in prison.
Register for this network or login below (existing members).

Extending Frailty Care Programme ECHO
This is a closed network for hospices awarded grants by the Kirby Laing Foundation to support the Extending Frailty Care programme. The three-year programme aims to:
- Enable a culture shift in approach to people over the age of 65 with advancing frailty who have palliative care needs resulting in improved quality of life for and extended reach to this underserved population.
- Recognise these people experience lack of care coordination due to fragmented services and may have multiple morbidities, and varying degrees of loss of mental capacity, for example due to dementia.
Please contact us if you would like to find out more, login below (existing members).

Race Equity ECHO
This ECHO will facilitate discussions around the experiences of racism in a safe and supported environment. The aim is to build a community of practice to celebrate the strengths of ethnic minority staff and to create and share expertise on progressing anti-racism practice within the specialty.
We are especially keen to include people from those communities that experience significant intersectional harm such as those with African, Caribbean and South Asian heritage.
Find out more about our networks
To enquire about, or participate in a network, contact us and include the name of the network you are interested in.
Existing Network Members
If you are already a member of any Hospice UK ECHO Networks, you can access your Network’s resource library. These libraries contain the curriculum, session recordings and associated resources for your registered networks.