
On this page, you’ll find financial benchmarking information for hospices. We use this information to help us understand more about the finances of the sector as a whole, and to inform the support we provide our members.

Hospice Accounts Report


Each year we produce a Hospice Accounts Report, which analyses financial information and trends from independent, charitable hospices based on their published accounts.

Financial Benchmarking Network


Hospice UK and db associates have teamed up to offer a new financial benchmarking service to hospices. 

We provide a quarterly top line review of hospice finances, which will enable you to compare your own performance against aggregated figures from across the sector. This will also allow Hospice UK to have more contemporary data to use in our advocacy and campaigning work.

Register to join our Financial Benchmarking Network to make sure you are invited to our regular meetings where we will share our findings.

Financial Benchmarking Reports

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Participate in data collection

If you'd like to participate in the data collection for our financial benchmarking service, please complete the survey linked below.

The deadline to submit your data for the next round of data collection was 3rd November 2023.

We will discuss our findings at regular meetings of the Financial Benchmarking Network.

Complete the survey