
Some private medical insurance companies donate money to hospices when someone covered by one of their policies receives hospice care.

This page provides information on private medical insurance providers and how their insurance policies work. 

This page takes around 10 minutes to read.

About private medical insurance

Many people have private health insurance, whether it be a personal plan or one that an employer has taken out on their behalf. This will cover the policy holder, and in some cases partners and family members. Some health insurers are willing to recognise hospice services in the form of a donation to the hospice.  

Depending on the provider, health insurance plans can cover a range of hospice services. If a person receiving treatment at your hospice has insurance, they may be able to ask their insurer for a donation. In some cases, a carer may be able to do this on their behalf.  


Private medical insurance providers

We have put together a summary of the main private medical insurance providers and the policies that include making donations for palliative and end of life care. 

This information is for just for guidance, and will differ depending on provider and insurance plan. It only covers personal health insurance cover, unless otherwise stated.

Many personal health plans can be expanded to include partners or family members. If your patient does not have insurance of their own, check if they are covered by a policy held in someone else’s name. 

If any of your patients are covered by private medical insurance and are interested in securing a donation from their provider, we suggest that the policy holder, or a member of hospice staff, get in touch with the insurance company directly. The insurance provider should be able to walk you through the correct process to receive a donation. 


Private medical insurance cover for businesses

Many businesses provide private health insurance cover to their employees.

Business health insurance plans are often tailored to the needs of an individual business, making it difficult to generalise which providers offer hospice donations.

If your patient receives health insurance cover through their employer, it may be worth asking them, or a carer, to look through their policy document and check whether their plan covers hospice donations. 


Get the word out

Patients may not be aware that their insurance policy covers charitable donations to a hospice. 

You might want to create a leaflet or webpage that can start a conversation around private medical insurance donations. This information can then be included in patient care packs. 

Some hospices have already created resources on this topic: 


If you have any questions or comments about the information on this page, please contact us