
Find out about the Education Network, how it helps hospices train and develop people to deliver high-quality palliative and end of life care, its upcoming meetings and useful links.

The Education Network:


- shares the latest thinking in education, staff development and learning, with a particular focus on early entry, existing workforce and later career pathways

- shares innovative education and workforce models and how they have been implemented 

- shares knowledge, expertise, resources and solutions to common challenges

- provides peer support

- considers practical measures that can be used now and in the future.

Download the Statement of Purpose

Read the Education Network's statement of purpose, including aims, work and responsibilities.



We meet every two months via Zoom. In three meetings per year we will discuss current work and challenges, share ideas and solutions. In the remainder we will concentrate on key priorities identified in previous meetings.

One meeting per year will be face-to-face (if feasible) to help members of the group to network. We provide notes, resources, recordings and useful links from our meetings for members of the network, allowing those who can't take part to benefit.

Forthcoming meeting dates

Network meetings take place bi-monthly.

The meetings below will start at 10.30 and finish at 12pm

  • Tuesday 5 September 2023
  • Tuesday 14 November 2023
  • Tuesday 9 January 2024
  • Tuesday 12 March 2024

Further details, an agenda and joining instructions are sent to members approximately two weeks prior to each meeting.

If you would like to know more about the meetings please contact us

Meeting summaries and presentations

Video links, notes and resources from each meeting are sent directly to members. 

You can also find the presentations on the Education Network meeting resources page.

Online discussion group


When you sign up to join the network, you will be invited to join our Microsoft Teams online discussion group, where you will be able to share information and chat to fellow members of the group. You will be given instructions on joining the group once you've completed the registration form.


Useful links