Education Network Meeting Resources

The Hospice UK Education Network meets remotely every two months. The meetings enable members to share learning and discuss current issues.
On this page you'll find links to presentations, files and video recordings of the Education Network meetings.
Meeting resources on this page
2023 meetings
This month we looked at the Innovation Hub with Nikki Vasco, Head of Innovation Resources, Hospice UK and discussed forming an Education Network Forum using Teams enabling more peer-to-peer support in between meetings. We also discussed our priorities for upcoming sessions from the identified themes.
This month we focussed on the mandatory training for people with learning disabilities and autism. We were delighted to be joined by Paula McGowan talking about her experience that led to this training and by the National Mental Health, Learning Disability and Autism Portfolio Team from Health Education England.
This month we were joined by Elaine Robinson from the NMC who talked about the new NMC post registration standards Nurse Advisors and Anita Hayes who shared her presentation from the recent clinical conference, which is a follow up from the presentation given by professor Vanessa Taylor in May 2022. We also feedback the results of the Education Network survey.
This month we focussed on the mandatory training for people with learning disabilities and autism. We were delighted to be joined by Paula McGowan talking about her experience that led to this training and by the National Mental Health, Learning Disability and Autism Portfolio Team from Health Education England.
This month we heard Inequalities in Palliative and EOLC from Siobhan Kenyon, LD & LGBT+ Palliative Care Coordinator (Salford), St Ann’s Hospice and the Marie Curie Non-Medical Prescriber Learning Network from Sarita Nanda, Practice Education Facilitator, Marie Curie.
2022 meetings
In November we heard from Lara Cowley, Therapies Lead, St Wilfrid’s Hospice, about the new, competency framework for AHPs.
Julia Russell, Senior Clinical and Quality Improvement Manager, Hospice UK talked about the new Patient Safety training be introduced which led on to a wider conversation about mandatory training.
We also had an overview and watched a film about the No Barriers Here project at Mary Stevens Hospice.
In September we heard from two members of the network talking about work they have been carrying out.
Eva Lew, Medical Director, Farleigh Hospice and Clinical Lead for education and training in PEoLC Mid and South Essex ICS shared her experience of PEoLC/Frailty Education and Training programme delivered across Mid and South Essex and Catherine Munsey, Education Lead Nurse, Rainbows shared her experience of a preceptorship project in children’s hospice care.
There was also an opportunity to talk about the opportunities and challenges facing education in the next 3-6 months.
This month we were joined by colleagues from Barclays who talked about who talked about different ways of approaching marketing including the importance of communications, including how we find insights about our audience in order to find the best ways to communicate with them.
We also heard from Annette Alcock, Head of Health and Care System Relationships at Hospice UK, who talked about system frameworks, the partners and workforce, the opportunities – including placements, rotations, inductions and joint partner working.
On 10 May we were joined by Heather Richardson, Celebrating Palliative Care Nursing, St Christopher's Centre for Awareness & Response to End of life. Heather talked about the Lantern Project and a Newly Qualified Nurses Community of Practice. Heather was joined by Penny Scaffold of St Christopher’s who developed the Palliative Discovery website for Clinical Nurse Specialists.
We were also pleased to welcome Dr Vanessa Taylor, Deputy Head of School (Nursing) (Students and Teaching) Professor of Learning, Teaching & Professional Practice (Cancer and Palliative Care) University of Central Lancashire. Dr Vanessa presented on an Aspirant Palliative Care Career Pathway and Education Framework.
A packed agenda also welcomed Maggie Bissett, Nurse Consultant, Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust who talked about Palliative Care Discovery, a new digital platform working to improve palliative care. We were also delighted to hear from Kerry Bareham, Community Nursing Fellow, National Team Nursing Directorate, NHS England & NHS Improvement, who talked about the National Community Nurse plan for England.
This month we were joined by Nikki Vasco and Suzannah Brown from Hospice UK who talked about the development of the new professional pages of the website including an offer to get involved. We were also delighted to welcome Stuart Tuckwood from Unison who gave a presentation on Preceptorships.
In February we had our first Lunch and Learn session entitled How innovation and Quality Improvement can support hospice educators in practice with Professor Becky Malby, Professor of Health Systems Innovation at the London South Bank University.
This month we were joined by Maaike Vandeweghe, Senior Educationalist (St Christopher’s Hospice) overseeing HELP, St Christopher’s Hospice presenting on the pedagogical model for the education at St Christopher’s Hospice and results of the network survey were reviewed.
2021 meetings
This month we were joined by Jonathan Ellis, Director of Advocacy and Change at Hospice UK who led a discussion on what opportunities may arise from the emergence of Integrated Care Systems to improve palliative and end of life care education and Trish Stockton, Head of Education (AUPC/Leeds Palliative Care Network) at St Gemma’s Hospice who talked about Developing Teaching & Research – the journey of an Academic Unit.
Jacqueline Graves from Sue Ryder Care, who spoke about the Human Rights training that has recently been evaluated and Siobhan Neylon from Highland Hospice who spoke about reintroducing Link Roles.
Please contact us for access to this presentation
The meeting included presentations Ruth Auton talking about nurse career pathways and James Whybrow talking about apprenticeships and the apprenticeship levy.
Please contact us for access to this presentation
The meeting included presentations about different aspects of mandatory and statutory training. Presentations by Camilla Burrows, Clinical Education Lead, Birmingham St Mary’s and Dr Vanessa Taylor, Associate Professor, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Northumbria University.
Presentation and resources from the special Education Network Introduction to Quality Improvement Webinar.
The meeting included a presentation from Anita Hayes on the Future Nurse Standards, Dr Marvelle Brown, University of Hertfordshire on Challenging and addressing perceptions of culture and ethnicity in Palliative Care.
2020 meetings
The meeting included a presentation from Daniel Scullane, Learning and Development Manager, St Peter's Hospice Bristol about Collaboration in South West: Working with your Sustainability & Transformation Partnership (STP), and Amber Morgan from Hospice UK fed back information from the recent feedback survey.
The meeting included presentation from Sarah Ireland, Head of Learning and People Development, St Margaret's Hospice talking about developing resilience during COVID and Christopher May, Lecturer/practitioner, Keech Hospice who shared his education stories and learning of carrying out training during the COVID pandemic.
Please contact us for access to this presentation
The meeting included presentations from Camilla Barrow, Education Lead at Birmingham St Mary’s Hospice and Bridget Moss, Education Lead at St Francis Hospice in Essex who shared their education stories and learning of carrying out training during the Covid pandemic and Amber Morgan from Hospice UK who gave a brief overview of supporting webinars and the use of breakout rooms.
Top tips to remember when planning virtual meetings, webinars, and training.
The meeting included presentations from Jane Berg, Deputy Director – Skills Knowledge & Research, Princess Alice Hospice on Education for Care Homes & Primary Care and Peter Forbes, Literary Fellow UCLH who talked about his workshop 'Finding your Voice'.
View updated 13 May clinical guidelines for visiting arrangements
This meeting focussed on 'Apprenticeships and developing your staff – all you need to know'.
It included presentations from Lesley Young, Lesley Young, Programme Manager, Nursing and Midwifery Workforce Clinical Advisory Team (North), Health Education England discussing the Apprenticeships and the Nurse Associate role; Fiona Carter, Learning and Development Facilitator, Wirral Hospice St John’s presenting her experience and learning with Apprenticeships and developing new roles and Jane Berg, Deputy Director Skills, Knowledge & Research, Princess Alice Hospice talking about their experience with developing Assistant Practitioner roles.
See the process for applying for Trainee Nursing Associate Programme
View 'Setting up Apprenticeships: Useful tips and information'
View the Nursing Associate Apprenticeship FAQs for Trainee Nursing Associates, Employers & Educators
This meeting had no main presentations but allowed members to discuss what they were currently working on and what issues they were experiencing.
Please contact us for access to this presentation
A 6 page downloadable and printable PDF offering a range of Educational resources and publications.