Become a Project ECHO Hub

Find out how to become a Project ECHO Hub with Hospice UK’s three-day Partner Launch training (formerly known as Immersion training).
What are ECHO hubs and ECHO networks?
An ECHO hub is an organisation who sets up, hosts and manages ECHO programmes.
An ECHO network is the themed community of practice which meets regularly and is attended by health and social care professionals.
Training to become an ECHO Hub: the process
Find out about the application process, download our guide on how to become, and set up, an ECHO hub, and apply for ECHO hub training. Full details on our ECHO Partner Launch training course are below.

"One surprise effect of using ECHO is that it has allowed our specialist hospice staff to become more aware of the real life challenges outside our organisation, leading to a greater understanding of what care home staff and GPs face on a day-to-day basis, and greater respect for how these are managed."
Princess Alice Hospice, Project ECHO Hub
Why set up an ECHO network?
Project ECHO will enable you to increase the capacity and confidence of your workforce. They will have specialised knowledge, and be able to deliver more with the same resources.
"100% agreed participation has helped improve the service they provide to palliative care patients and their carers"
- Project ECHO Northern Ireland Palliative Care: Community District Nurses ECHO Network
"100% applied lessons learned from this network to patients in their care."
- Project ECHO Northern Ireland Neurology ECHO network
Roles within ECHO Hubs
Lead / Champion: advocates for collaboration, sharing of knowledge and best practice; provides direction in adapting and implementing the ECHO model.
Facilitator: chairs ECHO sessions using an ‘all teach, all learn’ approach that facilitates engaging, high quality discussion.
Educator / Presenter: topic content specialist who delivers a brief talk about the chosen subject.
Coordinator: coordinates and shares information about the network with participants, prepares documentation and updates databases.
Video Conferencing Support Officer: provides user support to participants, troubleshoots video conferencing issues, implements and oversees data and resource storage solutions.
Am I ready to set up an ECHO network?
When considering setting up an ECHO network, you should consider:
- Have I had experience of seeing ECHO methodology in action?
- Can I identify a community of practice who are passionate about improving in a particular area and are willing to spend time with others who share that passion to learn, teach and support each other?
- Do I think that the ECHO methodology would work in building and supporting such a community of practice?
- Can I identify a champion and facilitator(s) who would be able to inspire and develop the community of practice using the ECHO methodology?
If your answers to these questions is yes, then Project ECHO is likely to be suitable for you.
Project ECHO Partner Launch Training
The three-day ECHO Partner Launch training course (formerly known as Project ECHO Immersion training) aims to enhance your understanding of Project ECHO. It will help you put the methodology into practice, so that you can successfully launch as an ECHO hub.
Topics covered include:
- ECHO methodology
- Roles of an ECHO
- How to do a curriculum setting
- Communications and branding
- IT hardware and software
- Data management
- Evaluation and strategic planning.
- Post-training support including 1:1 meetings and ad-hoc practical assistance.
- Access to training materials and resources available through the global Project ECHO Resource Library.
- A professional license to Zoom for your Echo Hub.
- A bespoke database to record your outcome.
- Invitations to UK Community Hub Support meetings to share experiences and support with other UK ECHO Hubs.
- Invitations to MetaECHO meetings/conferences with the global ECHO hub community hosted by the ECHO Institute.
- Access to partner learning sessions with the ECHO Institute.
It is recommended that a minimum of three people from your proposed ECHO team attends the same three-day training course in full. As a minimum, we suggest that your ECHO team comprises a Project Lead and/or Facilitator, an Administrator/Coordinator, and an IT/ Video conferencing Support Officer.
Training is subject to approval of your organisation’s application form and receipt of signed partnership documentation.
Hospice UK are currently reviewing costs so please contact the ECHO team for further details.
Highland Hospice have received funding from the Scottish Government that allows Hospices within Scotland to be trained free of charge for a limited period.

Dates of training & how to book
ECHO Partner Launch training takes place three times a year. All sessions will take place via Zoom.
A minimum of three participants are required to attend. Training may be postponed if this minimum requirement is not met.
Partner Launch Training dates:
22, 29 February & 7 March 2024
9, 16 & 23 May 2024
10, 17 & 24 October 2024
If you would like to book a place on this training, please email the ECHO team with the dates you are able to attend.